Most students in Netherlands live in shared student housing, similarly as they do in the United Kingdom. The size of such houses differs yet most are shared by four of five students. The lease in shared houses commonly costs amongst €300 and €450 a month, contingent upon size, area and outfitting (Amsterdam will be up to about €800 a month). A few urban areas have genuine deficiencies of student convenience, for instance, Utrecht is frequently observed as very hard to discover settlement, especially at short notice. In Amsterdam, there are roughly 75,000 students implying that there is significantly more rivalry for convenience than in littler urban communities.
Dutch colleges will regularly help you discover a room. In any case, the arrangement of college settlement changes significantly from organization to foundation so it may not generally be conceivable to spend the majority of your first year in a corridor of home. The additional time you permit to arrange your settlement, the more probable it is you will discover something that suits your necessities. As a rule, the length of you are in contact with the college’s housing office by the May before a September begin, you shouldn’t encounter any trouble in any city. A few urban areas are truly simple even up to the latest possible time.
Numerous Dutch colleges consult with private proprietors in the interest of students. As a result, they lease a square of rooms and afterward sub-let them to students, implying that you just need to manage the college housing office. Dutch colleges normally choose what number of rooms they will requirement for the approaching academic year in June. On the off chance that you apply for housing after this time you will most likely be unable to discover anything through this channel.
The housing office at a Dutch college will frequently charge for its administrations (on account of Groningen this is as of now EUR 300) however, this guarantees you will get the offer of a room. When you have been living in Netherlands for some time you will most likely have no need of such an administration however as far as we can tell, British students who have moved to the Netherlands are generally happy that they exploited this administration. Those students who didn’t utilize the Housing Office have regularly experienced issues with settlement yet nothing excessively genuine.
There are some private suppliers of college convenience in certain Dutch urban communities, as of now Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Eindhoven, Groningen, Maastricht and The Hague. The standard and cost are fundamentally the same as what you may anticipate from comparative convenience in the United Kingdom.
How to find your own student accommodation in the Netherlands?
There are two principle approaches to discover a room in the Netherlands
Your search for adverts for empty rooms in existing student houses. These can frequently be found on the web or on campus at your college. Frequently it is conceivable to discover a room without knowing any Dutch at everything except knowing a tad bit of the language without a doubt makes things less demanding. When you answer to an advert you may well be welcome to a “Kijkavond” (“viewing evening”) where you and other interested students will get the chance to see the room and be “met” by the current housemates. You will likely be made inquiries about what you would convey to the house and why you need to live there, so be set up to answer these sorts of inquiries.
You lease your own home or apartment all alone or together with fellow students. You should be authoritatively enlisted in Netherlands with your own Social Security Number keeping in mind the end goal. On the off chance that you are working while you are a student you will as of now have this.